Those of us who are artists often search for something deeply embedded in ourselves. Though at first, we may not be aware that such a drive exists. For myself, it has been a long journey. I knew art spoke to me. It sustained a certain voice that took many years to understand. Later, I came to realize that we humans are not the center of our own world; whereas our ability to comprehend our own internal emotions may need exploring. Developing a relationship with our own subconscious, which most artists I believe inherently do, can stimulate those who look upon our work to encounter their own emotions.

Over time, I’ve chosen to explore pure abstraction while letting go of description to discover that visual art begins to have a vocabulary. I no longer want to be bound to a given structure.

The work seen here has been an exploratory search for meaning by confiding in my response to the raw materials, letting form and color evolve as an internal dialogue. These sculptures and drawings are neither figurative nor literal, though perhaps at times enigmatic. My hope is that each has its own voice, allowing for a dialogue with those who look upon them.

To view more of Marvin Liberman’s work, please visit