2. Define “lucky.”
3. Which term best describes what having as-of-this-moment-in-time healthy breasts, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes removed from your body feels like?
a. Whiplash
b. Piñata
c. The Dark Ages
d. Poker
4. Define “Brave.”
5. In terms of figurative language, which is the best doctor-delivered food analogy?
a. The uterus as an upside-down pear
b. Ovaries like walnuts
c. Breast scar like a piece of angel hair pasta
d. Cervical opening like the middle of a bagel
6. What does PBM stand for?
a. Peanut Butter Muffin
b. Polyamorous Bisexual Male
c. Periodic Bowel Movements
d. Prophylactic Bilateral Mastectomy
7. What’s the best way to tell teenaged children their mother is BRCA positive?
a. At The Cheesecake Factory, whose 30-page menu provides time for courage
b. Via text: “Hey kids! I don’t have cancer!”
c. Make a pencil notation in their baby books, then bury in cedar chest
d. Underwater, Cape Cod vacation, through bubbles
8. What’s a helpful thing to do while considering a double mastectomy?
a. Grill a batch of underwire bras over hot coals
b. Spit into your hand and search for mutants
c. Polar plunge into Lake Ontario in your red bikini
d. Parade around your bedroom in dresses with darts
9. Define “femininity.”
10. What does a woman do when her breast surgeon says, “I’ll be removing all your breast tissue, which [insert chuckle] is kind of like scraping out an avocado and leaving just the tiniest bit of green behind”?
a. Go to Salena’s and order the largest bowl of guacamole they have and stick your face in it
b. Imagine the pit. What about the pit?
c. Buy a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos as consolation prize
d. Punch him in the face
Anne Panning is the author the memoir Dragonfly Notes: On Distance and Loss, as well as two short story collections and the novel Butter. She has won The Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction and is currently working on her second memoir about her late father, a barber and addict. She teaches creative writing at SUNY-Brockport. Her website is www.annepanning.com.
Sarah says:
Jan 18, 2021
Great to see this one out on the world, Anne Panning. Brave and provocative.
Toni Brayer says:
Jan 18, 2021
I’m a doctor. This is brilliant and I appreciate the “container “ of the quiz. Question #1- so true.
Jan Priddy says:
Jan 19, 2021
#10, D
Brave and funny piece.
Tami Petersen says:
Jan 19, 2021
Such a wonderful piece! Enlightening! Anne Panning is a brilliant writer.
Marilyn Bousquin says:
Jan 19, 2021
I love how deadpan this is, Anne, and how it says it. Oh, how it really says it.
Debbie Urbanski says:
Jan 22, 2021
Thank you for writing this! What a great form. And Brevity, thank you for publishing it.
Define “lucky.”
Define “Brave.”
Define “femininity.”
So much contained in those 3 lines….
Francis says:
Jan 24, 2021
Really enjoying that Cheesecake Factory line.
Laura Johnsrude says:
Feb 1, 2021
I really enjoyed reading this clever piece. And I identify with the subject matter, too.
Christi says:
Mar 12, 2021
I’m a mutant cancer survivor, too, and related so much to this. Thank you for showing others how it feels.
Gail says:
Mar 28, 2021
A great way to discuss the issue. Bravo, Anne!
Marcia Bilyk says:
Sep 16, 2022