Posts tagged "flash"

Review of Flash Fiction International

In 1992, James Thomas concluded his introduction to the anthology Flash Fiction by  wondering “whether ‘flash fiction’ will be an avid endeavor of the present literary generation.” Twenty-three years later, evidenced by the recently published Flash Fiction International edited by Thomas, Robert Shapard and Christopher Merrill, the answer would seem to be a resounding yes,...

On Miniatures

Why are miniature things so compelling? First off, I don’t mean the cute or the precious, those debased and easily dismissed forms of the miniature whose size compels our pity or protection; I mean workable things on very small scales. I’d like to offer some thoughts on shortness in prose by looking at miniatures in...

Prose Poems, Paragraphs, Brief Lyric Nonfiction

Brief pieces of prose, meant to stand on their own, capture our attention via compression. In Short Takes, the entries range from a couple of hundred words to a couple of thousand–leaving little space for grand exposition or lengthy character development. And yet the pieces in this volume compel us with their intensity, sustain us with...