A Brief History of Sex Education
In the summer of 1979, I was Mark Merlini’s girlfriend for four hours. He lived down the street and suddenly seemed cute, so we kissed for about a half-hour on the hill behind his house, facing the Route 11 bypass in Gilford, New Hampshire. He kissed with his mouth open so of course I opened...
Answering Personals
The one I don’t want has telephoned three times; the one I want has telephoned once. The one I don’t want will wear Bermuda shorts, a sleeveless tee, sneakers, and wait for me at South Station so I can buy coffee at one of the kiosks there. The one I want will wear a Brooks...
The Weekend
It was the end of a perfect day. If only her best friend could see her now. It was a haul to get to the vineyard and expensive considering her small salary as a receptionist. Whatever she earned was already spent on her apartment, her food, her dry-cleaning. She dipped into her paltry savings for...
Wednesday, 2:00 a.m. In the artless sterility of an unsterile motel room, water gurgles and drains through the pipes overhead; sirens and traffic sounds leak in around the dead-bolted door’s frame. A woman’s sweater and a man’s shirt hang on a rod near the cracked sink. From above the wavy mirror, a garish fluorescent light...
Talking After Love
It is fall and I’m talking long distance to my boyfriend in Milwaukee, we just finished talking sex talk, talk not virtuous but virtual because he’s so far away and you know how you feel just after making love, when all of your breathing feels gracious, it makes a man sleep, a woman talk, seeming...