Posts tagged "pandemic"
Why I Bought an Inflatable Hot Tub from Walmart on Black Friday During a Pandemic

Why I Bought an Inflatable Hot Tub from Walmart on Black Friday During a Pandemic

  Because my mother was tired of peeing her pants at Super Value Grocery Store. Because someone told her about an amazing same-day surgery that would fix everything. Because it was a miracle cure! Because the docs said they’d hoist her sorry leaky bladder up onto a miracle mini mesh “hammock.” Because they promised it...
The Boy Who Drew Cats

The Boy Who Drew Cats

Outside there is a pandemic and I am in lockdown in Montevideo, Uruguay, far from my daughter and son also locked down, but in Kanazawa, in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, and I am inside drawing, drawing, drawing, filling sheets of paper, pages drifting to the floor, as if I were the boy in the Japanese fable...